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I enjoy listening to music and some time ago after cancelling my subscription to a music streaming service, I decided to go back to owning music again. I wanted to listen to my music across multiple devices, so I streamlined my setup until I was satisfied with it. This is how I organize my digital music collection on a Linux-based workflow, but the tools are available on Windows and Mac OS. Details on some concepts might be left out, since this blog post is more of a notebook for myself to get this out of my head. Anyway, perhaps it can still help out someone.

Ripping CDs With whipper

The albums I own are partly in a digital format while others are CDs. I want all my music to be in FLAC, a lossless format to have the best sound quality possible and even though this takes more storage space than a lossy format like MP3, I don't care since storage is cheap nowadays.

I rely on whipper to accurately rip my CDs. To avoid needing to worry about the required dependencies for whipper, I use its Docker image provided by the developers themselves.

Here is an example of how I use whipper with Docker:

docker run -ti --rm --device=/dev/cdrom \
--mount type=bind,source=${HOME}/.config/whipper,target=/home/worker/.config/whipper \
--mount type=bind,source=${HOME}/music-to-import,target=/output \
whipperteam/whipper:0.10.0 cd rip --prompt

--device=/dev/cdrom refers to the CD drive in my computer.

Both --mount options are bound to directories which must exist, otherwise the command won't work. It's as simple as running mkdir -p "${HOME}/.config/whipper" "${HOME}/music-to-import" to address this.

The first --mount is to mount the whipper configuration into the Docker container. This configuration was generated with whipper drive analyze, so the same command as above, but by replacing cd rip for drive analyze. After executing drive analyze, it is also needed to run drive offset.

The second --mount is where whipper will output the songs from CDs it ripped.

As for whipperteam/whipper:0.10.0, this is using the latest whipper version at the time of writing.

Finally, cd rip is the command passed to whipper. It would be the same as running whipper cd rip if whipper was installed as a package on my computer. As for the --prompt flag, this is for whipper to let me decide which CD release to pick if somehow multiple matches are available. This happens often for CDs with releases in multiple countries or with various editions like deluxe or what not.

Cataloging Music With beets

I am using beets since I haven't found another software as good to correctly catalog my music. It takes care of handling the metadata that it fetches from MusicBrainz. One cool thing about beets is how flexible it is with its various plugins.

Command example to import music into my music collection:

beet import path/to/music/album-1 path/to/music/album-2 (...)

For details on how I configured beets and some of its plugins, my configuration is in my dotfiles.

Backing Up My Music Collection

Beside having my music both on my computer and my phone, I also back it up on my home server and a cloud provider.

There are many cloud providers available. I had a few criteria to guide my decision:

  • Based in Europe, since this is where live.
  • Reliability
  • Resilience
  • Environmental impact
  • Pricing
  • Have a S3-compatible API to ease automation
  • Availability of cold storage for long-term archival

With this in mind, this is why I went with the cloud provider Scaleway for Scaleway Glacier, a subset of their Scaleway Object Storage product. It offers a cold storage solution for long-term archival in the Paris region. This is perfect for my needs.

Provisioning the Infrastructure with Terraform

While I could create the infrastructure in the Scaleway web UI, I always prefer to achieve this through code. Terraform, an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool, is a great fit for this.

What I need is:

  • a bucket to store my music collection
  • an IAM application with limited privileges to sync my music in the bucket via rclone

Let's first write a Terraform configuration file named Be sure to replace the placeholder BUCKET_NAME and the values in locals. Remember that the bucket name must be globally unique, so across all Scaleway's buckets. If needed, adapt the zone and region.

terraform {
  required_providers {
    scaleway = {
      source = "scaleway/scaleway"
  required_version = ">= 0.13"

# Documentation:
provider "scaleway" {
  zone   = "fr-par-1"
  region = "fr-par"

locals {
  # Found at
  # An IAM user which should have access to the bucket if needed, for example
  # via the web UI or the AWS CLI with `aws s3`. It could be the default IAM
  # user, but it does not have to.
  IAM_user_id = "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111"
  # Found at
  project_id = "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111"

# IAM application with limited privileges to sync objects in the bucket via `rclone`
resource "scaleway_iam_application" "API-Object_Storage" {
  name        = "API - Object Storage"
  description = "This is to restrict an API key only to the Object Storage buckets"

resource "scaleway_iam_policy" "API-Object_Storage" {
  name = "Object Storage - Buckets Read Write - Objects Read Write Delete"
  application_id =
  rule {
      permission_set_names = [
      project_ids = [

# When looking at the state of a resource, its sensitive values will always be masked.
# I still need to store the secret key of the API key in my password manager.
# The command below returns the secret key:
# terraform show -json | jq -r '.values.root_module.resources[] | select(.address=="scaleway_iam_api_key.API-Object_Storage").values.secret_key'
resource "scaleway_iam_api_key" "API-Object_Storage" {
  application_id =

# Bucket
resource "scaleway_object_bucket" "BUCKET_NAME" {
  name = "BUCKET_NAME"

resource "scaleway_object_bucket_acl" "BUCKET_NAME" {
  bucket =
  acl = "private"

resource "scaleway_object_bucket_policy" "BUCKET_NAME" {
  bucket =
  policy = templatefile("${path.module}/bucket_policy.tftpl", {
    bucket_name =,
    IAM_user_id = IAM_USER_ID,
    IAM_application_id =,
    IAM_application_name =

The bucket policy is in a Terraform template file (bucket_policy.tftpl). Since the JSON document of a policy can be sometimes quite large, I find this approach much easier to reason about than having everything together.

  "Version": "2023-04-17",
  "Id": "${bucket_name}-policy",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "Allow everything in the bucket ${bucket_name} and its objects for my user",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "SCW": "user_id:${IAM_user_id}"
      "Action": "*",
      "Resource": [
      "Sid": "Grant access to the bucket ${bucket_name} for the application '${IAM_application_name}'",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "SCW": "application_id:${IAM_application_id}"
      "Action": "s3:ListBucket",
      "Resource": "${bucket_name}"
      "Sid": "Allow reads and writes of objects in the bucket ${bucket_name} for the application '${IAM_application_name}'",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
        "SCW": "application_id:${IAM_application_id}"
      "Action": [
      "Resource": [

For Terraform to provision the bucket, it must first authenticate to Scaleway. It's simple, I create an API key for my IAM user and store its Access Key Id and Secret Key in my password manager (1Password). This isn't the same API key as the one created above with Terraform, it must have the permissions to create resources for my Scaleway account.

By relying on environment variables, I avoid storing secrets on disk. With the help of direnv, environment variables are automatically exported/unexported whenever I enter/leave the directory containing this .envrc file:

export SCW_ACCESS_KEY="$(op read 'op://reference/to/Access Key Id')"
export SCW_SECRET_KEY="$(op read 'op://reference/to/Secret Access Key')"

And now with terraform init, followed by terraform plan, I ensure that the bucket would be provisioned as I expect it to. Afterwards, I apply the execution plan with terraform apply.

Uploading Objects to the Bucket With rclone

Backing up my music on the bucket I created above with Terraform involves two steps. First with rclone. It is configurable with rclone config. The configuration is encrypted with a password stored in my password manager. This is how the remotes I use are configured in rclone:

type = sftp
user = MY_USER

type = s3
provider = Scaleway
access_key_id = ACCESS_KEY_ID
secret_access_key = SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
region = fr-par
endpoint =
acl = private
storage_class = GLACIER

The placeholders ACCESS_KEY_ID and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY both refer to the API key belonging to the IAM application created above with Terraform.

Here's how I upload my music to my home server:

rclone copy --progress --checksum ~/music homeserver:/path/to/music/directory

~/music is the folder where my music is located on my computer, after it has been processed by beets. homeserver is the remote in rclone, followed by the path to the music directory on my home server.

As for uploading my music to Scaleway Glacier, my home server does it daily with a script containing this:

rclone copy --progress --checksum ~/music scaleway-storage-fra-GLACIER:my-music-collection

This time, rclone uploads to the scaleway-storage-fra-GLACIER remote which stores files in Scaleway Glacier. my-music-collection is the bucket name on Scaleway Glacier.

Getting My Music Collection To My Phone

My phone's storage can be expanded via a SD card, so this is what I went with. To get my music collection onto the SD card, I could take it out and put it in my computer. This is rather cumbersome as I need to take out the battery every time. Instead, I usually rely on the FolderSync app on Android to easily sync my music from my home server to my phone while I'm in my local network. This is especially convenient when only transferring a few songs.

And yes, I did give a try to the good old USB cable, but it's not reliable on Linux. Somehow, my phone isn't always detected by the OS and when it does, it sometimes gets disconnected for no apparent reason. Oh well... FolderSync it is then!

How To Configure FolderSync

On my home server, I have a user with read-only access. In FolderSync, create an account for SMB with this user's username and password. Enter the IP address of my home server, then the SMB share name where my music collection is stored. Pick SMB3 and enable Require encryption.

Afterwards, create a folder pair with the sync type To local folder. Set the remote folder to the folder where my music collection is stored on my home server. As for the local folder, it is where I want to have my music collection on my phone, so as long as it's on the SD card, it's all good.

Now for the Sync options of the folder pair, choose Never for the option Overwrite old files and choose Use remote file for the option If both local and remote file have been modified.

Finally, under Advanced, enable Use MD5 checksums.

Final Countdown

That's it, I hope this helped you. How do you setup your digital music collection?